Each year university students join the team at DEMAND on year-long work placements. A common practice for degrees in design and engineering, the experience gained in a work environment proves invaluable to the progression of their skills.
Every student becomes skilled in our custom products creation process and often lead entire projects to completion towards the end of their time with us.
We hope that letting people experience the way we work and seeing first hand the impact that our work can have, will inspire young designers to continue to create products empathetically; taking full consideration of people with mobility and cognitive challenges for the entirety of their careers.
In addition we have recently started working more closely with product design course leaders to deliver undergraduate course modules focused on inclusive and assistive design. We hope to reach many more aspiring design professionals and to inspire them to think more about design for all rather than the average.
We also welcome students from local secondary schools who are interested in product design and engineering on short work experiences.
Get in touch to express an interest in our student placement programme.