Will you make a custom product for anyone?
We will make a custom product for anyone with a disability or health condition or older person with associated physical challenges. We will help people of any age and regardless of financial circumstances. We may decline to accept a project if we feel that the risks associated with what is being asked of us outweigh the benefit to you.
How long will it be until I receive my custom designed equipment?
We aim to turn around all custom designs as quickly as possible. The length of time will vary based on the complexity of the problem we’re helping you solve. Simple solutions can often be effected within a few days, but more complex projects can take much longer. We will do everything we can not to keep you waiting too long. Anything from 2 to 14 weeks would be normal. During busy periods, work may be re-prioritised according to the immediate need of each individual.
How much will it cost?
Our custom design service is provided at no cost to individuals. We always welcome donations which play a very important part in helping us keep the workshops open. For organisations, including other charities, we will always provide a quotation..
What if I change my mind?
If we have started working on a custom project for you, that for whatever reason you do not want or require any longer, let us know so we can concentrate our resources on finishing projects for other people in need of our service.
What if it breaks?
If your DEMAND designed and manufactured equipment fails in any way or becomes damaged, stop using it immediately and call us for advice on 01923 681800 or send us a message here. We will help you keep your equipment in working order for as long as you need it.
What if I am outside of the UK?
We offer our advice service even if you live outside the UK, but it is much more difficult for us to complete custom projects. Because we need to perform an assessment in person, test our prototypes and sometimes install the products in situ it is often not possible to offer this service. In this case we will try to connect you with organisations in your country who may be able to help or we will, with your help, work with competent people close to you to make what you need.
Can I ask you to make anything?
As long as the product will help you to complete a task or participate in an activity that you are currently unable to do, we should be able to help. We don’t replicate products that already available on the open market or through your local community equipment service.
Will my equipment be safe?
We carry out risk assessments during the whole process and design out potential hazards. We only use appropriate materials (e.g toy safe, food safe, fire retardant etc,) and we fully document all our designs. We will also instruct you and, if appropriate, anyone else involved in your care, on the correct use of the equipment we make for you.
DEMAND is an MHRA registered manufacturer and we make sure all our processes comply with the latest standards.
I have an idea for a product to help more people – can you make it?
Call our team and we’ll be happy to discuss any ideas for collaboration.
How do you fund your work?
We don’t qualify for NHS or government funding, so we have to rely on voluntary donations, which makes up around ¾ of our income, the rest being generated from our refurbishment services, the sale of pre-owned and DEMAND designed equipment and specialist sporting equipment.